connect groups

Connect Groups are another opportunity for people to get to know each other and build community by hanging out. Connect Groups meet in homes, coffee shops and other casual enviroments all over the city and encourage people to develop deeper relationships.

lv dinner club

LV Dinner Club is made up of groups of 8-12 people who meet two times over the course of two consecutive months to enjoy dinner and fellowship together. The goal is to have fun, meet new friends and get to know older ones better. Check the 'Events' page to find out when the next dinner clubs will be forming, or call the Church office for more information.


Men need to be connected with each other not only as friends, but as brothers. The world has too many things to keep us from being the men and husbands that God wants us to be. The Lakeland Vineyard Men's Ministry is working to be a "Band of Brothers" for our men, to be there for each other.

Contact Band of Brothers at

Interested in more men's resources? Visit Promise Keepers - Men of Integrity >

women of worship WOMEN'S MINISTRY

"But the time is coming - indeed it's here now - when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way."John 4:23 (NLT)

Women of Worship is the women's ministry of Lakeland Vineyard. We are growing in our relationships with the Lord and with each other and have a heart to reach our community with the love of Jesus.

Contact Women of Worship at